Hair for Hope, jointly organised by the Republic Polytechnic and Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF) was held at RP on 1st July 2011 to raise funds and awareness about childhood cancer. The event was held in conjunction with the Polytechnic’s annual IGNITE! Music Festival which aims to promote passion and compassion. Republic Polytechnic was the first Institute of Higher Learning to hold a Hair for Hope satellite event back in 2009. This year marks the third year of this event in RP.
Sacrificing one’s hair takes a lot of courage and devotion, especially for females. Last year, Republic Polytechnic student, Ms Neo Guat Chiu, gamely shaved off her waist-length long locks in support of the cause.
“Having a shaved head is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, you are doing it to help someone else,” -Ms Neo Guat Chiu
Again for IGNITE! 2011, we received media coverage in The New Paper
This year’s line-up included the well-loved Typewriter, Caracal, Plainsunset, The Sets Band, Inch Chua & The Metric System, Fatskunks, Giants Must Fall, Barricade, Tacit Aria, Sixx and West Grand Boulevard. Republic Polytechnic music Interest Groups Jammerz Arena and Replug, who specialize in rock music and acoustic songs respectively, also performed. Formed out of pure passion, the music IGs meet up regularly to hone their skills and share their fervor for music.
IGNITE! has always been about reuniting fans with their favorite local performers.
“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent”― Victor Hugo
Awesome base solo by one of the performers. |
Aarika from Sixx |
The audience put their hands up with the "Rock On" hand sign in
respect and honour for the amazing performance. |
Rock N Roll, ain't noise pollution.
Hours and hours of practice finally paid off as the musicians played with ease during
their set.
The red lights casted an eerie glow on the audience. |
Rock you like a hurricane! |
Vocalist from Caracal straining his vocal cords! |
The audience was enthusiastic about volunteering for the games on-stage.
IGNITE 2011 was legend....wait for it...dairy (not for
the lactose intolerant)!
The question really is, are YOU ready for IGNITE! 2012? |